1. Dirección Nacional de Aduanas (DNA):乌拉圭海关总局是负责进口和出口管理的主要政府机构。网站:[aduanas.gub.uy](https://www.aduanas.gub.uy) 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/2578.html
2. Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minería (MIEM):工业、能源和矿业部负责制定和实施有关乌拉圭工业发展的政策和规定,包括进口相关规定。网站:[miem.gub.uy](https://www.miem.gub.uy)
3. Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca (MGAP):畜牧、农业和渔业部负责乌拉圭的农业和渔业政策,并处理相关的进口申请。网站:[mgap.gub.uy](https://www.mgap.gub.uy)
4. Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP):公共卫生部负责监管进口食品和医疗产品的质量和安全。网站:[msp.gub.uy](https://www.msp.gub.uy)
1. Dirección Nacional de Aduanas. (n.d.). Servicios en Línea. Retrieved from [aduanas.gub.uy](https://www.aduanas.gub.uy)
2. Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minería. (n.d.). Retrieved from [miem.gub.uy](https://www.miem.gub.uy)
3. Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca. (n.d.). Retrieved from [mgap.gub.uy](https://www.mgap.gub.uy)
4. Ministerio de Salud Pública. (n.d.). Retrieved from [msp.gub.uy](https://www.msp.gub.uy)
Uruguay's import business involves the cooperation of multiple government departments. Jiuwen Freight Forwarder reminds companies that conduct import business to be familiar with and understand the roles and functions of these departments. The following are the main government departments you may need to contact in the process of importing business:
1. Dirección Nacional de Aduanas (DNA): The Uruguayan Customs Directorate is the main government agency responsible for import and export control. Website: [aduanas.gub.uy](https://www.aduanas.gub.uy)