在巴拉圭,所有进口货物的相关事务都需要在巴拉圭国家海关总局(Dirección Nacional de Aduanas,DNA)的官方网站上进行。该网站的地址是:[www.aduana.gov.py](http://www.aduana.gov.py/)
要在DNA网站上注册,您需要首先在首页点击“Regístrese”按钮。然后,按照页面提示填写相关信息,包括您的个人信息、公司信息以及联系信息。填写完毕后,您需要同意相关条款并提交申请。在您的申请被审核并接受后,您将收到一封包含用户名和密码的确认邮件,用于登录DNA的网站。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/2590.html
1. "Dirección Nacional de Aduanas". [www.aduana.gov.py](http://www.aduana.gov.py/)
In Paraguay, all matters related to the import of goods need to be carried out on the official website of the Paraguayan National Customs Directorate (Dirección Nacional de Aduanas, DNA). The address of the website is: [www.aduana.gov.py](http://www.aduana.gov.py/)
To register on the DNA website, you need to first click on the "Regístrese" button on the home page. Then, follow the prompts on the page to fill in relevant information, including your personal information, company information, and contact information. After completing, you need to agree to the relevant terms and submit the application. After your application has been reviewed and accepted, you will receive a confirmation email with a username and password to log into DNA's website.