海铁联运在法国十分发达,特别是在主要港口如勒阿弗尔港和马赛港。这些港口都有丰富的铁路连接,使得海上运输与陆地运输能够无缝对接。例如,勒阿弗尔港的海铁联运平台,提供全面的物流服务,包括铁路运输、集装箱装卸、存储和配送等。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/2695.html
1. SNCF: French National Railway Company. [www.sncf.com](https://www.sncf.com)
2. Le Havre Port. [www.havre-port.fr](https://www.havre-port.fr)
3. China Railway Express. [www.china-railway.com.cn](http://www.china-railway.com.cn
France has one of the most comprehensive railway networks in Europe, with a total length of about 29,000 kilometers, operated by the French National Railway Company (SNCF). SNCF provides nationwide coverage of intercity trains, high-speed trains (TGV), regional trains, and freight transportation services. The heart of the French railway system is Paris, from which all major lines radiate throughout the country. In addition, France's railway system is closely connected with other European countries, providing a convenient channel for international trade.