卡塔尼亚港(Port of Catania)位于意大利的西西里岛,是地中海地区重要的海港之一。对于九问货代的客户来说,这是一个优越的海上交通枢纽,能够便利的实现货物的进出口。
卡塔尼亚港有多个专用码头,其中包括Passenger Terminal、Commercial Docks 和 Industrial Docks 等。这些码头各自拥有一定数量的泊位,可以满足不同类型和规模船只的停靠需求。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/2740.html
卡塔尼亚港由Sicilian Ports Authority进行管理和运营。这个机构负责维护和协调港口的各项活动,以保证港口的正常运营和持续发展。
1. 卡塔尼亚港官方网站:http://www.port.catania.it/
2. Sicilian Ports Authority:https://www.adspdelmarligureorientale.it/
The Port of Catania is located in Sicily, Italy, and is one of the important seaports in the Mediterranean region. For the customers of Jiuwen Freight Forwarding, this is an excellent sea transportation hub, which can facilitate the import and export of goods.
The Port of Catania has several dedicated terminals, including the Passenger Terminal, Commercial Docks and Industrial Docks, among others. Each of these terminals has a certain number of berths, which can meet the berthing needs of ships of different types and sizes.