在挪威,海关的相关事务由挪威海关(Norwegian Customs,Toll)处理。挪威海关提供了一套线上系统——TVINN,用于报关和交易处理。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3009.html
为了使用TVINN,进口商或他们的代理商需要注册一个TVINN用户账号。首先访问挪威海关网站[https://www.toll.no],然后选择“TVINN”选项进入相应页面,按照页面指引进行注册。请注意,使用TVINN需要有挪威的企业注册号(Organization Number)。
1. 挪威海关(Norwegian Customs):[https://www.toll.no]
2. TVINN用户注册指南:[https://www.toll.no/en/goods/importation]
At Jiuwen Freight Forwarding, we understand every aspect of the import business, including the interaction with customs. This article mainly introduces the registration and use process of the Norwegian customs system.
In Norway, customs matters are handled by Norwegian Customs (Toll). Norwegian Customs provides an online system, TVINN, for customs clearance and transaction processing.
In order to use TVINN, importers or their agents need to register a TVINN user account. First visit the Norwegian Customs website [https://www.toll.no], then select the "TVINN" option to enter the corresponding page, and follow the instructions on the page to register. Please note that a Norwegian Organization Number is required to use TVINN.