1. 冰岛海关(Iceland Customs): 冰岛海关是负责管理和控制进出口货物的主要部门。您需要在此网站注册账号并进行货物申报。官方网站:https://www.tollur.is 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3027.html
2. 冰岛食品和兽药管理局(Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority): 如果您的进口货物包括食品或动植物产品,可能需要与此部门进行对接。官方网站:https://www.mast.is
3. 冰岛环境署(Environment Agency of Iceland): 如果进口的货物可能影响冰岛的环境,这个部门可能会介入。官方网站:https://www.ust.is
4. 冰岛交通,地方自治和地区创新部(Ministry of Transport, Local Government and Regional Development): 如果进口的货物涉及到交通运输,可能需要与该部门沟通。官方网站:https://www.samgonguraduneyti.is
1. "Iceland Customs", Tollstjóri, https://www.tollur.is
2. "Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority", MAST, https://www.mast.is
3. "Environment Agency of Iceland", Umhverfisstofnun, https://www.ust.is
4. "Ministry of Transport, Local Government and Regional Development", Samgöngu- og sveitarstjórnarráðuneytið, https://www.samgonguraduneyti.is
Iceland is an island country located in the North Atlantic Ocean, and the process of importing goods may involve multiple government departments. Jiuwen freight forwarder provides you with a detailed list of government departments to help you better understand and carry out import operations.
1. Iceland Customs (Iceland Customs): Iceland Customs is the main department responsible for the management and control of import and export goods. You need to register an account on this website and make a cargo declaration. Official website: https://www.tollur.is