您可以访问爱沙尼亚商业注册部门的网站(https://ariregister.rik.ee/)查询公司的注册信息。输入公司名称或注册号码,就可以查看公司的详细信息,包括注册号码,税号,注册日期,公司类型,注册地址等。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3040.html
1. "Business Register." Republic of Estonia e-Residency. https://ariregister.rik.ee/
2. "Tax and Customs Board." Estonian Tax and Customs Board. https://www.emta.ee/eng
In Estonia, it is relatively easy to look up a company's registration number and tax ID number. All this information is publicly available and can be checked through the official website of the Estonian business registration department.
You can check the registration information of your company by visiting the website of the Estonian Commercial Register (https://ariregister.rik.ee/). Enter the company name or registration number, and you can view the detailed information of the company, including registration number, tax ID number, registration date, company type, registered address, etc.