格鲁吉亚国家公共注册局(National Agency of Public Registry)的网站提供了查询公司注册号的功能。这个网站的地址是https://napr.gov.ge/。在这个网站上,可以通过输入公司的名称或注册号来查询相关信息[1]。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3134.html
同样,可以在格鲁吉亚税务和海关行政局(Revenue Service)的网站上查询公司的税务编码。这个网站的地址是https://www.rs.ge/。在这个网站上,可以通过输入公司的名称或税务编码来查询相关信息[2]。
[1] National Agency of Public Registry, https://napr.gov.ge/
[2] Revenue Service of Georgia, https://www.rs.ge/
When conducting business activities related to Georgia, it may be necessary to look up the company's registration number and tax code. The following is the detailed introduction of Jiuwen Freight Forwarding on this process.
The website of the National Agency of Public Registry in Georgia provides a function to look up company registration numbers. The address of this website is https://napr.gov.ge/. On this website, relevant information can be queried by entering the company's name or registration number [1].