1. 公司税号 (TIN - Tax Identification Number): TIN在格鲁吉亚被用来识别税务主体。这是由9个数字组成的唯一标识符[1]。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3139.html
2. 身份证号码 (Personal Number): 对于格鲁吉亚的公民和居民,身份证号码是11位数字,用来识别个人[2]。
3. 公司注册号 (Enterprise Code): 这是一个9位的数字编码,由公共服务厅的国家注册局发放,用于唯一识别企业[3]。
[1] Revenue Service of Georgia, https://www.rs.ge/en
[2] Public Service Hall, https://matsne.gov.ge/en/document/view/1043157
[3] National Agency of Public Registry, https://napr.gov.ge/
Georgian import companies need a series of specific coding and registration information to carry out legal import operations. The following is the key information provided by Jiuwen Freight Forwarding:
1. Tax Identification Number (TIN - Tax Identification Number): TIN is used to identify tax entities in Georgia. This is a unique identifier consisting of 9 numbers [1].
2. Personal Number: For citizens and residents of Georgia, the Personal Number is an 11-digit number used to identify an individual[2].