海运转公路是一种常见的进口方式,其特点是将货物在海港卸载后,通过公路运输直接送到指定的目的地。这种模式对于一些需要迅速送达,或者不方便通过铁路运输的货物有着明显的优势。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3190.html
1. Luxembourg Infrastructure. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.luxembourg.public.lu
注意: 以上信息仅供参考,具体的运输方式和运输成本可能会根据货物的种类,大小,重量以及目的地的不同而有所不同,建议在具体运输前咨询专业的货物运输公司。
Luxembourg, as a transportation hub in Europe, has a complete highway system. Luxembourg's road network covers a wide range of the country, and the cities and villages of the country can be connected by a convenient road system, which is very convenient for the transportation of imported goods.
Sea-to-road transport is a common import method, which is characterized in that the goods are unloaded at the seaport and then directly sent to the designated destination by road transport. This mode has obvious advantages for some goods that need to be delivered quickly or that are not convenient to transport by rail.