1. **以色列税务局(Israel Tax Authority, ITA)** - 这是主要负责进口税务相关事务的部门。所有的进口税务都需要在ITA进行注册和申报。ITA的官方网站是:[www.taxes.gov.il](https://www.taxes.gov.il/)。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3239.html
2. **以色列质量标准局(Israel Institute of Standards, SII)** - 这个部门负责对进口商品进行质量和标准的监控和认证。其官方网站是:[www.sii.org.il](http://www.sii.org.il/14-en/SII.aspx)。
3. **以色列农业部(Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)** - 对于食品、农产品和其他动植物产品的进口,需要与此部门进行沟通。其官方网站是:[www.moag.gov.il](https://www.moag.gov.il/en/Pages/default.aspx)。
4. **以色列交通部(Ministry of Transportation and Road Safety)** - 对于涉及运输设备和运输设施的进口项目,需要与此部门进行沟通。其官方网站是:[www.mot.gov.il](https://www.mot.gov.il/en/Pages/default.aspx)。
1. "Customs Services." Israel Tax Authority. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
2. "Israel Institute of Standards." SII. Retrieved 2023-06-10.
3. "Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development." Retrieved 2023-06-10.
4. "Ministry of Transportation and Road Safety." Retrieved 2023-06-10.
When conducting an import business in Israel, there are several government departments that need to be communicated with. This includes but is not limited to the following key sectors:
1. **Israel Tax Authority (ITA)** - This is the department mainly responsible for import tax related matters. All import taxes need to be registered and declared at the ITA. The official website of the ITA is: [www.taxes.gov.il](https://www.taxes.gov.il/).