首先,我们来看看公司的进口。阿曼的公司要进行进口,需要有在阿曼注册的商业执照,此外还需要获取阿曼海关的进口商代码。这是一个由海关颁发的唯一代码,用于识别和追踪进口商。此外,公司需要提交发票、提单、货物的详细描述、货物的原产地证明、包装列表等文件,以完成海关清关的过程。 文章源自九问货代九问货代の笔记-https://www.519wen.cn/3249.html
1. [Oman Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion](https://www.mocioman.gov.om/)
2. [Oman Customs](http://www.customs.gov.om/eng/)
[免责声明] 本文仅供参考,不构成法律或财税咨询,具体业务操作请遵循当地法规并咨询专业机构。
Importing goods in Oman, whether it is a company or an individual, needs to meet certain conditions and regulations. We have listed some key elements here so that you can better understand the import process.
First, let's look at the company's imports. To import, Omani companies need to have a business license registered in Oman, and also need to obtain the importer code of Oman Customs. This is a unique code issued by customs to identify and track the importer. In addition, the company needs to submit documents such as invoice, bill of lading, detailed description of the goods, certificate of origin of the goods, packing list, etc. to complete the process of customs clearance.